1st in people

1st in results

Our award-winning recruitment team in Tauranga is ready to help with all your recruitment service requirements in the Bay of Plenty region.

Tauranga is the head office location of 1st Call Recruitment, and it boasts the largest team of experienced, hardworking, and dedicated recruitment professionals in the region. It is an award-winning team with expertise in providing companies both large and small with flexible recruitment solutions.

We place hundreds of people into new positions every day, including temporary positions, contract positions, full-time permanent positions, and part-time permanent positions.

As our Tauranga recruitment office is also our head office, it provides support to our national network of recruitment branches. Our compliance and safety teams are based in our Tauranga office, as well as our senior management.

If you are looking for employment in the Tauranga region, you can have confidence in our recruitment expertise. Similarly, if you are looking for employees, you can also have confidence in our recruitment processes and industry-leading standards.

Get in touch with us today. If you are in the area, please call in. We are easy to find and there is free parking on-site.